Investment Journey: How Can One Start a Successful Investment Journey?

Have you heard that money can buy happiness? Yes, you read right! Having money can give you respect, security, and freedom. Everyone wants to be successful and build long-term wealth. But the question is, How Can One Start a Successful Investment Journey? Becoming a successful investor does not happen overnight, it takes a lot of time, patience, sacrifices of sleep, and hard work.

Becoming a successful investor does not happen overnight, it takes a lot of time, patience, sacrifices of sleep, and hard work to understand investment and improve your investment strategy. Along the way, you will make mistakes and grow from them. This article will cover investment steps when you start your investing journey.

Starting Investment Journey at an Early Age

Investments have gained popularity in the past few years because they can greatly boost your wealth, such as bonds and stocks in financial instruments. Successful investment is not an easy task; it is a whole investment journey. It takes years and years to understand investment. But, with the right knowledge, people understand how to start the journey. 

  • Firstly, you should choose your destination, then decide how to get there.
  • It is important to consider your long-term financial goals when making investments.
  • The goal you set for your investment will inform your planning. 

Easy Investment Opportunities for Small Amounts

Nowadays, it has become easy to invest a small amount of money. This is possible because of the availability of many investment options that have low or no minimum requirements. You do not have to pay a commission. For comparatively small amounts, you can choose from a variety of investment options, including mutual funds, index funds, and many more. So, investing a small amount is one of the easiest and best paths to a successful investment journey.

If you are concerned about the investment amount, simply consider your financial situation and how much you need to spend on the loss. For example, if you invest a small amount, like 500 rupees, the best part is to regularly help grow your investment. 

Decide How Much You Can Invest

If individuals who are new in the market think about how can one start a successful investment journey? So, let’s discuss how much of your money you can invest. Usually, the earlier you start investing, the better. When you start your financial journey early, your investments have more time to grow, making you money in the long term, which is called return on investment (ROI). The amount you should invest ultimately depends on the level of risk you are comfortable with. You can use these steps to figure out the right amount for you:

  • What is Your Current Financial Situation? – The right answer to how much you should invest depends on your financial situation and your investment goals. Being aware of your financial situation can help you figure out how much money you should invest. Before starting an investing journey, you need to remember a few things in your financial profile: taxed income, debt, and an emergency fund.
  • Calculate what you can invest: Here is how you can calculate what you can invest:
  1. Minus your living expenses from your income before taxes. 
  2. You can invest the remaining money after paying all the bills and needs.
  3. Do not sell your investment early, because you need money as soon as possible. By doing this, you may lose your invested capital.

Create Investment Goals

Before starting the investment journey, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why are you investing?
  • How much money do you want to make?
  • When do you reach your investment goal?
  • How much risk can you handle?
  • What are the types of investments for better financial goals?

Now is the time to create an investment goal because you are aware of your financial situation and the factors affecting your investments. Consider the following investment goals:

  • Property: Use funds from your investment account for the down payment on a new property.
  • Planning your Family: It is a good idea to save money for a child’s education in the future.
  • Passive Income: You can create more income without any effort by depositing money into an investment account.
  • Retirement Plan: If one starts investing at an early age, one can earn more over time. 

Open an Investment Account

How can one start a successful investment journey by just opening an investment account? Once one has cleared up his or her financial situation, he or she should open an investment account. If an individual wants to purchase shares and manage their own investments, an online brokerage account suits them. It allows you to buy and sell assets through the broker’s website. Individuals can choose from various products offered by discount brokers. Here are a few things to know about setting up your first investment account:

  • On average, it takes just a few minutes to open an account online.
  • Individuals transfer money from their bank account to start their brokerage account.
  • Individuals can choose between a margin account, where you can borrow money from the broker, or a cash account, where you can use your own money.
  • Investors can use multiple brokerage accounts.
  • Before opening an account, individuals should be careful with fees like commissions, management fees, and trading costs.
  • Most brokers do not have minimum deposit requirements, but you may have to meet one to start investing, such as by buying a certain number of shares in an index fund.

Once you have gained knowledge of everything about a brokerage account, complete an application to open an account. Here is a variety of personal information and documentation for the investment account:

  • Your name
  • Address and phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Government ID and Occupations.
  • In a few cases, you have to provide information like annual income and details about investment goals & risks.

Know Investment Strategy Works for You

Having knowledge about how investment strategy works helps start a successful investment journey. Tom Bailard, Larry Biehi, and Ron Kaiser created a very useful path for investors to learn about investing. Nobody knows your situation better than you do. Creating an investment strategy with your advisors will help you achieve your financial goal by customizing it to match your personality (the behavioral model). It guides us to understand their behavior when they invest money.

Two personality factors are used by models to classify investors: their actions (cautious or impulsive) and their confidence level (self-assured or anxious). The BB&K model divides investors into five groups:

  • Individualist: confident and careful, often takes a do-it-yourself approach.
  • Adventurer: Volatile, entrepreneurial, and strong-willed
  • Celebrity: A follower of the latest investment fads
  • Guardian; highly risk-averse; wealth-preserver
  • Straight Arrow: shares the factors of all the above equally.

It should come as no surprise that people with strong analytical skills and an independent mind often get the best returns on their investments. However, if you adjust your investment strategy to suit your personality, you can be successful in investing.

Understand Your Investment Options

Once you find out where to invest your money, the next step is to choose what to invest. It is important to remember that all investments involve some risk. You have to understand the details of each option, assess the level of risk to consider and figure out whether the risk is appropriate for your goals. Here are the most popular investments for those just starting, including:

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Exchange-traded funds

Also Read: What are the 7 types of Investments?

Friends and Enemies in Investment

Do you want to start a successful investment journey? You should Know your enemies and friends in investment is crucial in investment for growing wealth. Here are some pieces of advice for beginners who want guidance for a successful investment journey:

  • People who pretend to be on your side but who may have different goals against you, such as some investment professionals, are not trusted. 
  • Keep in mind that you are competing with larger financial companies or institutions that have more resources and instant access to information than you.
  • Remember that when it comes to investing, you may be your own worst enemy. Your success may be influenced by your attitude, strategy, and situation.
  • If you are naturally cautious and like to protect your money, taking big risks in the hope of making a quick buck may not be the ideal move for you. 
  • Be honest with yourself about what is stopping you from investing or pushing you out of your comfort zone.
  • Discover the problems that are preventing you from making wise investments.

Always Be Willing to Learn About Investing

  • Although the stock market is volatile, there will inevitably be ups and downs.
  • Becoming a successful investor takes time, effort, and learning. It is not something you can master fast.
  • You will make mistakes when you are making investments, but you must accept them and move on from them. 
  • Following the proper long-term strategy may seem difficult, but it usually results in success.
  • If you follow your strategy and don’t let negative advice or your emotions get in the way, your chances of succeeding increase. 


For beginners, investing can be both exciting and challenging. When you are starting, do not be in a rush to get rich quickly, instead, research well about investments and create financial goals. To make healthy profits over time, take time to learn and make informed decisions. 

We hope you found ideal information about How Can One Start a Successful Investment Journey. We hope you will start investing for your financial goals early in your 20s or 30s. Please share this blog with your friends and family; it would be helpful to reach more people. 

FAQs: How Can One Start a Successful Investment Journey?

How do I learn the basics of investing?

Read books, articles, and reputable websites about investment. If you want to understand investment concepts such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc., you can consider taking online courses or attending workshops on investment basics.

How do I invest money?

One should determine investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Then, choose the right investment strategy that will help you grow in the future. Opening an investment account with a brokerage firm and picking a specific investment based on your strategy is the best way to invest. You can monitor your investments regularly.

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